HDMI, 10 & 14 Pin Camera Connections
The HDMI (Type A) connector is the most widely used. It is the one that is present on most TV sets, recorders, set top boxes and the like. It is the connector that most people associate with HDMI. The HDMI type A male connector measures 13.9mm x 4.45mm, while the female sockets are fractionally larger because they need to accommodate the male and they measure 14mm x 4.55mm.
The Mini-HDMI (Type C) connector is not as common as the Type A, but it is often found on items like camcorders, DSLRs and other forms of photographic equipment. Here size is more of an issue and there would not be space for the full type A connector. HDMI Type C mini plugs measure 10.42mm x 2.42mm - this makes them significantly smaller than the Type A. The Type C Mini-HDMI pinout is quite similar to that of the standard HDMI or Type A. The differences are that all positive signals of the differential pairs are swapped with their corresponding shield, the DDC/CEC Ground is assigned to pin 13 instead of pin 17, the CEC is assigned to pin 14 instead of pin 13, and the reserved pin is 17 instead of pin 14. The Type C connector has the same layout and numbering as the Type A HDMI connector, it is the size and pin usage that changes.
The micro-HDMI connector (Type D) is not seen as widely as the Type A or C versions. Nevertheless it is intended for audio visual applications on much smaller electronic devices like smartphones and other similar devices that might need full HDMI capability. The micro-HDMI is obviously much smaller than the Type A standard HDMI connector, or the Type C mini-HDMI, but it keeps keeps the same number of 19 pins in common with types A and C. The Type D connector has the same layout and numbering as the Type A HDMI connector, it is the size and pin usage that changes.
For historical reference I have left the 2 main type of connectors used on older camera's. On older style video camera's there are 2 main types of connectors. There is a 10 pin and a 14 pin connector. The connections given below came from the service manuals for a NATIONAL WVP-50N ( for the 10 pin ) and a SONY HVC3000C ( for the 14 pin ). There are apparently some minor differences in pin outs for different brands of cameras so beware!!!
HDMI Connector
Pin Number |
Pin Function |
1 | TMDS Data 2 + |
2 | TMDS Data 2 shield |
3 | TMDS Data 2 - |
4 | TMDS Data 1 + |
5 | TMDS Data 1 shield |
6 | TMDS Data 1 - |
7 | TMDS Data 0 + |
8 | TMDS Data 0 shield |
9 | TMDS Data 0 - |
10 | TMDS Clock + |
11 | TMDS Clock shield |
12 | TMDS Clock - |
13 | CEC |
14 | HEC Data- | 15 | SCL (Serial Clock for DDC) |
16 | SDA (Serial Data Line for DDC) |
17 | DDC / CEC / HEC Ground |
18 | +5 V Power (50 mA max) |
19 | Hot Plug Detect (1.3) / HEC Data+ (1.4) |
Mini HDMI (Type C) Pin Connections
Pin Number |
Pin Function |
1 | TMDS Data 2 sheild+ |
2 | TMDS Data 2 + |
3 | TMDS Data 2 - |
4 | TMDS Data 1 shield |
5 | TMDS Data 1 + |
6 | TMDS Data 1 - |
7 | TMDS Data 0 shield |
8 | TMDS Data 0 + |
9 | TMDS Data 0 - |
10 | TMDS Clock shield |
11 | TMDS Clock + |
12 | TMDS Clock - |
13 | DDC / CEC Ground |
14 | CEC | 15 | SCL (DDC lock) |
16 | SDA (DDC data) |
17 | HEC + |
18 | +5 V Power (power EDID / DDC) |
19 | Hot Plug Detect / HEC - |
- | Shell (Ground) |
Micro HDMI Pin Connections
Pin Number |
Pin Function |
1 | Hot Plug Detect / HEAC - |
2 | Utility / HEAC + (NC on device) |
3 | TMDS Data 2 + |
4 | TMDS Data 2 Shield |
5 | TMDS Data 2 - |
6 | TMDS Data 1 + |
7 | TMDS Data 1 Shield |
8 | TMDS Data 1 - |
9 | TMDS Data 0 + |
10 | TMDS Data 0 Shield |
11 | TMDS Data 0 - |
12 | TMDS Clock + |
13 | TMDS Clock Shield |
14 | TMDS Clock - | 15 | CEC (Control) |
16 | DDC / CEC / HEAC Ground |
17 | SCL (DDC clock) |
18 | SDA (DDC data) |
19 | +5 V Power (power EDID / DDC) |
14 Pin Connector
Pin Number |
Pin Function |
1 | Camera Video Out |
2 | Camera Video Ground |
3 | View Finder Video In |
4 | View Finder Video Ground |
5 | Start/Stop |
6 | Tally Signal In |
7 | Camera Audio Out (CH2) |
8 | Record /Review Button |
9 | Camera Audio Out (CH1) |
10 | Audio Ground |
11 | Audio In (CH1) |
12 | Audio In (CH2) |
13 | +12V DC In |
14 | Ground |
10 Pin Connector
Pin Number |
Pin Function |
1 | Camera Video Out |
2 | Camera Video Ground |
3 | View Finder Video In |
4 | View Finder Video Ground |
5 | NC |
6 | Record/Pause Out |
7 | Camera Audio Out |
8 | Camera Audio Ground |
9 | DC Ground |
10 | +12V DC In |